Three Reasons To Ask Your Barber To Layer Your Hair

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Three Reasons To Ask Your Barber To Layer Your Hair

17 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you're a man who has long hair but still visits the barber regularly to have it trimmed, you might want to speak with your hair care professional about layering. Many women get their hair layered at hair salons, but layering is also applicable for men with longer locks. Any experienced barber can layer a male client's hair, as well as talk to you about why you might want this look if you're still on the fence about it. Your barber can likely even show you pictures of a man's long hair before and after layering to help give you an idea of how this look might suit you. Here are some reasons to ask your barber to layer your hair.

Added Volume

A big reason that people choose to have their hair layered is to add volume. You might have long hair, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it looks voluminous. In fact, it could appear to be thin and lacking in character, which probably isn't the look that you're going for.

Upon your barber layering your hair, you'll immediately find that it appears to have more volume. This can be ideal if you enjoy having long hair but have frequently wondered whether the thinness might not be a good look for you.

Ability To Add Color

If you're open to the idea of your barber adding some color to your hair, you may find that combining the addition of color with a layering cut can work well. For example, your barber can add highlights to some of the layered sections to help make them stand out. If you have dark hair and favor adding a little color variance — for example, some lighter streaks — combining layering and coloring can help the lighter areas to augment the look of your hair without being overly evident.

Textural Changes

Layering your hair can also add some textural changes to it, which may be something that you favor. For example, if your hair is straight and long, you may feel as though you want something that will add different textures to help break up the length of it.

When there are some layered sections, these areas can look different — perhaps even curling to a slight degree. This can break up the perhaps mundane look of your hair, and help to give you a haircut that makes you feel more confident in your overall appearance. For more information, speak with a professional at a barbershop.