3 Tips to Help You Choose the Right Haircut for Your Son

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3 Tips to Help You Choose the Right Haircut for Your Son

23 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Haircuts for boys and men used to be very plain. Modern barbering has given rise to a whole generation of sculpted and stylish male haircuts.

Young boys often want to sport one of the hairstyles seen on a celebrity or sports figure. While some popular haircuts might be too extreme for your son, there are some simple tips that you can use to help you choose a haircut that both you and your kid will enjoy.

1. Consider Your Son's Lifestyle

It's important that you take lifestyle into consideration when selecting a haircut for your son. If you have a boy who is extremely active in sports and outdoor activities, then a shorter haircut would work best. If your son is more artistic or into style and fashion, a haircut that leaves some length could be beneficial.

Many parents choose a haircut that is a hybrid of both long and short to maximize the versatility of their son's hair. These hybrid cuts feature a close fade around the back and sides of the head with a longer pompadour on top.

The longer hair can be slicked to one side for a more refined look, or worn messy to create a casual aesthetic.

2.  Factor In Your Son's Hair Texture

The texture of your son's hair will play a big role in determining which types of haircuts would look best. Two of the most challenging hair textures to work with include curly and fine hair.

A boy with curly hair needs a haircut that is long enough to leave some definition to his curls, or the hair could look frizzy. Boys with fine hair often do best with shorter cuts that can camouflage the thinness of the hair strands.

Ask your stylist for suggestions when it comes to choosing a hairstyle that is suited for your son's hair texture.

3. Think About Styling Time

Another important consideration parents must make when selecting a haircut for their son is the amount of time available to style a haircut each morning. If your son is an early riser who has ample time to get ready for school each morning, then a haircut that requires a lot of sculpting and styling products won't be a problem. If your son often sleeps late and has to rush in the mornings, a short buzz or crew cut will allow him to simply brush his hair and run out the door.

To learn more about haircuts, contact a shop like HD Barber.