How To Prevent Hairloss As A Man

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My hair has always been a little on the dry side. No matter how many bottles of conditioners I buy or slather on my hair, it still comes out dry. I decided to talk to a hair and skin care specialist about my hair problem. After the specialist asked me questions about my hair washing habits, they pretty much suggested that I needed to make a huge change in my life. I was the reason for my dry hair. I over-conditioned my hair. In addition, I used the wrong type of conditioners. If you have problems with your hair, read my blog. I help you find expert tips and advice on how to improve your hair and body care fast. Thanks for stopping by.

How To Prevent Hairloss As A Man

16 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Some men are more prone to hair loss than others. To some degree, the differences are genetic. If you are genetically predisposed to lose your hair, there's not a lot you can do to entirely prevent it. However, there are things you can do to minimize hair loss and reduce your risk.

Here are some of those key hair loss prevention measures.

Take a Multivitamin

Deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals can make hair loss more likely. So, it is a good idea to take a multivitamin to make sure all of your nutritional bases are covered. Read the label carefully, and look for a multivitamin that is tested for purity and potency. Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist if you would like recommendations. Ensuring that you're getting adequate nutrition will also help keep your scalp healthy, which helps prevent hair loss.

Avoid Heat Treatments

Avoid straightening your hair, heat curling your hair, and even blow-drying it. These measures can dry the hair out and make it brittle. Having dry, broken hair will make it more obvious if you've also lost some hair. These practices also dry out the scalp, which can accelerate and worsen hair loss. Talk to your stylist about cuts and styles that don't require heat treatment. Some good gel or mousse can usually eliminate your need for heat styling methods.

Wash Your Hair in Cool Water

Washing your hair in hot water might feel good, but it is bad for your hair and scalp, and it can accelerate hair loss. If you enjoy taking hot showers, start by washing your hair in cool to lukewarm water. Then, you can turn the temperature up and enjoy the rest of your shower; just don't put your hair in the hot water. 

Use Minoxidil

Minoxidil is a medication that is used to treat hair loss and promote hair regrowth. Not every man needs to use it for hair loss prevention. However, if you have already started to lose a little hair, using minoxidil can help prevent you from losing additional hair. It usually comes in the form of a gel or foam that you apply to your scalp once a day.

If you are worried about losing your hair, taking a few preventative steps can go a long way. If you employ the methods above, then you should not have to be too concerned about hair loss. Talk to your doctor for more advice.